Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rouge Mage

I started out just looking at general shapes for wizards and such. I kind of wanted him to be a hybrid warrior and wizard, so I toyed around with some weapon types in my head, but a sword just seemed right. Starting concepts below. Used my favorite 3 square brush and just did random shapes until I found a "pose" I liked.
Decided on the crossed arm pose as it showed off the most of the character and displayed him how I wanted. Somewhat of a loner, and a shadowy figure.

Went for a detailed face. Grabbed an image of someone screaming and used it as well as I could. I wanted a kinda reckless look, like he was diving foward just to touch someone with his magic instead of staying out of the fray.
I didn't really have a whole lot of story written, but I had the idea that he was a wizards apprentice that never finished his training due to his masters death. Over time he picks up training with his sword and augments it with his previous training in magic. He is angry at the world for "abandoning" him, first his family (sent to be trained) and then his master's death. While he doesn't work for either side of the main story line, I think he could fit as that one shot character that just shows up every so often (Tom Bom.)

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