Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Character/Creature Concept

I drew up some silhouettes for some LotR characters before I found out I could do any concept I wanted.  I imagined something could have existed on Mt. Doom, since there seemed to be nothing inhabiting that area.  I thought of a sort of lava-and-stone creature, like a golem, or perhaps like the huge turtle from the Neverending Story (you don't know it's there until you're right on top of it).

My first drawing was the top left one, more of a humanoid stone creature, with not as much lava influence.  The second, top center, I was going for more of an animated golem type of creature which would appear to be held together by some magical force.  For the top right drawing I played with the idea of a stationary creature which was in the form of a mount of ash or even just a small hill.  Bottom left:  A mostly magma creature which the silhouette ended up looking like Swamp Thing, but drawing and coloring it appropriately would definitely give it distinction.  My last drawing was nothing special and I sort of copied my second idea (top center).
Afterward, I switched my concept.   I decided to work on some concept art for a character I am creating for an MMO.  As such, I won't be giving much information on it.  Sorry.

For these figures I was basing my design off insects, starting off with beetles of some sort.  I didn't really use any reference images since these will be humanoid creatures.  I worked from top left to bottom right, just coming up with different ways the insect could possibly stand and what sorts of built-in weapons/defenses it may have at its disposal, such as a huge bladelike bone protruding from its head (row 1, col 1-2) or a shieldlike development (row 1, col 3-4)

For the figure in row 2, column 3, I sort of went off Bowser's shell (from the Mario games) and kind of added my own spin to it.  Not exactly an insect creature but I could still make that figure into one if I really wanted.

My favorite figures are 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 and 10.  I like them all for different reasons but they are each, generally, something which could possibly be made into a character without much cannibalization of parts from other figures.
I plan to continue adding figures to this page as I come up with more ideas, which is why there is a bunch of empty spots.

I'd love to hear any feedback on which figures or parts of a figure you like or dislike.

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