Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Project 1

I wanted to do a concept / painting for project 1 lord of the rings.  I kind of combined digital painting class project with this class.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Random craziness from the alchemy picture. I saw the mask and just instantly was like THAT, I wanna do THAT! Sort of a hunter monster of some sort, vaguely humanoid.

Environment Post

So I had this idea for a dark spire type thing in the mountains. Sort of a sinister lair thing you know? This was the result.

Random Concept Week 4

This is my random concept for week 4.
I wanted to go with the sort of black and white tone of a twilight zone episode. I liked the concept that was provided quite a lot because it allows you to play with contrasts. A child with giant glowing lazer eyes and smoking fists is definitely not something you see every day. But I probably wouldnt' mind.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Project 1.

Bit off a bit more than I can chew with this one.

I left the colour palette up there, and I learned a few things--the major thing being that I am a chaotic painter.

I went for a dreamy effect with this one, as she's a wood nymph that uses her body instead of words to convey her feelings (hence--no mouth.) But trying to get it to be not messy posed, and still poses a real challenge.

Yeah..I'm new to the whole DP thing, so it's a bit rough for me x_x. But we'll get there, right ^^?

My Project 1

So I learned alot so far and had so much fun doing this hope you like

Dragon Phase 2

I finally added the color to my dragon. I wanted the skin to be a dark purple with a sort of iridescent blue color to the highlights. All of the armor plates I left as a metallic silver.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

LOTR Character

Yeah, silhouettes ^^^ Not much else to say. I wanted to have some sort of large creature but made a few smaller ones to see how they worked.

This was an advancement from my original silhouettes where i added a basic skeletal structure and a layout of how the legs would be able to bed. The legs were the hardest part for me on this project.

This was my sketch that i used to take into photoshop to make my final

This is my final concept for the lord of the rings character. I really got a little annoyed about sketching and re sketching a hand on the other hand, so i just cut it off, haha. Which actually works as to why he is so pissed off. I had never painted anything in photoshop (or in real life for that matter) so this was a long trial and error for me. What i was going for was just some sort of gigantic creature. I used ideas from many movies and games. It was a combination of a Human, Minotaur, Tauren, and Demon kind of things.

LOTR concept

This is my LOTR concept painting thing.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Random Chaos Findings

I got a few good ones with just the image itself, then I flipped it upside down and got even more and better results.  From top left to bottom right:

Top Center: The bottom half of some sort of insect or possibly mechanized unit.  To its left is a parrot.

Center, Left to Right:  A robot with an axe for a forearm sporting a lightning bolt; Some sort of ninja person with little turbines coming out of his back; a man in a tuxedo wearing a jetpack.  Below it to the right is some dude screaming "blarg" with his head up in the air.

Bottom Center: a meditating, floating bird-headed thing, with a rabbit sitting on its head.

Right:  Man with eye patch wearing a poncho.

Bottom Right: A mouse.

This is my concept for the LOTR creature. I was thinking of swamp creatures/monsters.
I am going to work on the environment for this creature in the other project. The proccess was really simple did a couple of silhouette and ended up choosing one shape and work on it with photoshop.

LOTR Character - Ghula

My LOTR character. His race is the Gahl, brutish-looking creatures that despite their appearance are surprisingly good-natured. However, they're smart enough to have a pretty good idea of what humans, elves and the like would do if they saw them (i.e. mistake them for evil creatures and slaughter them all), and have voluntarily gone into hiding. Most of them prefer to be alone, though they still don't mind socializing with others of their own species. Due to their sensitive eyes, they live in caves and other dark places, and never uncover them when it's bright. They do have excellent hearing, though, which helps them move about in the surface as well as if they could see.

This one's name is Ghula, and he's a traveler. A relatively-small gahl (about 12 feet tall), he currently travels around middle-earth to study how other species live and behave. He remains neutral in all conflicts, however, which is why he just watched the battle in Mordor from a distance instead of choosing a side.

These are the concept sketches:
First thing I did was come up with a face (after all, that's where most first impressions come from). Once I finished it, I used a blunt 6B pencil to make a thumbnail of how he'd look full-body. Put an elf next to him for size comparisons. Gave him a shield tied to his gut for kicks.

Here's the final sketch, before coloring:
I scanned it and colored it using Gimp + Gimp Paint Studio (for the curious, follow this link). I'm not good at explaining how I do stuff, so I recorded it:

Hope this is good enough, and sorry I couldn't offer a better description for him - I'm not really familiar with the LOTR lore.

-- Nieves

LOTR Faerie

Here is my concept. As you can plainly see, it's a faerie.

I drew and painted/colored her in Sai, then brightened her up in Photoshop. I'll upload a picture of what she looked like before I edited her. I did use a base that I traced over for her body. The rest was drawn by me (including the hair).

See how darker she looks in this one?

There is a story behind her. Faeries don't exist in Middle-Earth. Instead, they reside in the Undying Lands, Valinor. They are typically seen with Vána the Ever-Young, younger sister of Yavanna and wife of Oromë. They help her tend to the plants and flowers that grow in her path. They have, however, been known to live in the gardens of Lórien. As for size, they can fit in the palm of your hand and, from a distance, they only seem like a twinkling light, like a firefly. They normally stay away from Middle Earth but there have been stories of faerie sightings, usually in the older forests such as Fangorn or Mirkwood. There haven't been any official sightings of them.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lord of the Rings Dragon

Here is my concept for the Lord of the Rings Dragon.

Insect Creature Final Concept

Here's the final version to what I've been working on.  I have a color adjustment layer in Photoshop so I can change the color of the crystals in real time without having to mess with any color replacement or layer swapping.

Below I sort of show my process in the order I did it.  When I started on the highlights, I applied them with the Overlay blending mode active.  I would switch to the normal layer blending mode to see exactly where my highlights were.  I would also keep hiding and showing the highlights layer to see if the light "hit" properly on all the surfaces.  I'm sure it's not perfect but I did find a few other places that needed to be highlighted by using this method.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sergio 6000

This is Sergio 6000. A child of a world known as "The Aftermath".
He has seen many cities far and wide and has faught many a foe with his trusty golden L.A/Zer Stryker Model 40 known only as "Selma".

The future is a cold place for some. But not for Sergio.

This character was inspired by the video "Art Is The Weapon" by My Chemical Romance.
The definite Post Apocalyptic overtones to this video bring on a sense of dirty grime encasing a retro Neon Cowboy Fashion. I loved it. So I chose for week three to create him as my random Concept.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Concept Update

I decided to further develop cell four from my list of silhouettes.  You can click on the image to enlarge.

Character/Creature Concept

I drew up some silhouettes for some LotR characters before I found out I could do any concept I wanted.  I imagined something could have existed on Mt. Doom, since there seemed to be nothing inhabiting that area.  I thought of a sort of lava-and-stone creature, like a golem, or perhaps like the huge turtle from the Neverending Story (you don't know it's there until you're right on top of it).

My first drawing was the top left one, more of a humanoid stone creature, with not as much lava influence.  The second, top center, I was going for more of an animated golem type of creature which would appear to be held together by some magical force.  For the top right drawing I played with the idea of a stationary creature which was in the form of a mount of ash or even just a small hill.  Bottom left:  A mostly magma creature which the silhouette ended up looking like Swamp Thing, but drawing and coloring it appropriately would definitely give it distinction.  My last drawing was nothing special and I sort of copied my second idea (top center).
Afterward, I switched my concept.   I decided to work on some concept art for a character I am creating for an MMO.  As such, I won't be giving much information on it.  Sorry.

For these figures I was basing my design off insects, starting off with beetles of some sort.  I didn't really use any reference images since these will be humanoid creatures.  I worked from top left to bottom right, just coming up with different ways the insect could possibly stand and what sorts of built-in weapons/defenses it may have at its disposal, such as a huge bladelike bone protruding from its head (row 1, col 1-2) or a shieldlike development (row 1, col 3-4)

For the figure in row 2, column 3, I sort of went off Bowser's shell (from the Mario games) and kind of added my own spin to it.  Not exactly an insect creature but I could still make that figure into one if I really wanted.

My favorite figures are 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 and 10.  I like them all for different reasons but they are each, generally, something which could possibly be made into a character without much cannibalization of parts from other figures.
I plan to continue adding figures to this page as I come up with more ideas, which is why there is a bunch of empty spots.

I'd love to hear any feedback on which figures or parts of a figure you like or dislike.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Concept :D

Just a quick concept, for mouse.

Zebrapottomus- Random Concept Week 1

This is my random concept for the prehistoric creature known as the Zebrapottomus.
He's ugly. He's hungry. He's extinct. The end.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rouge Mage

I started out just looking at general shapes for wizards and such. I kind of wanted him to be a hybrid warrior and wizard, so I toyed around with some weapon types in my head, but a sword just seemed right. Starting concepts below. Used my favorite 3 square brush and just did random shapes until I found a "pose" I liked.
Decided on the crossed arm pose as it showed off the most of the character and displayed him how I wanted. Somewhat of a loner, and a shadowy figure.

Went for a detailed face. Grabbed an image of someone screaming and used it as well as I could. I wanted a kinda reckless look, like he was diving foward just to touch someone with his magic instead of staying out of the fray.
I didn't really have a whole lot of story written, but I had the idea that he was a wizards apprentice that never finished his training due to his masters death. Over time he picks up training with his sword and augments it with his previous training in magic. He is angry at the world for "abandoning" him, first his family (sent to be trained) and then his master's death. While he doesn't work for either side of the main story line, I think he could fit as that one shot character that just shows up every so often (Tom Bom.)

Random Concept II

(Gotta scan my first) (geeze, I hope this is right..)

So, yeah, here's my thief boy. I really don't know what I was thinking when I drew him but he's wearing a scarf and a pancho-type shaw... thing. I have a thing about drawing scarves so I made him have one. He also has pointy ears but I don't think he's an elf. Than again, he could be half-elven, which would could make him nimble and gracefully(ish).

This was drawn in Sai Painter, by the way. Anatomy is such fail here but, whatever. I might go back and re-do this... eventually.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Random Concept 1

I think we are supposed to put our random concepts up here...not sure though....hmmm. Sorry about the bad quality photo =\

Friday, September 10, 2010


Hey there guys. This is my submission for the Lord of the Rings Character.

His name is Goldir, he is obviously... well... sauron's apprentice. He's a pretty cool guy... only NOT. He's actually pretty much pure evil. Corrupted after his family was murdered by sauron himself, he found the way of darkness through magic and fighting. He learned to control the powers of his own muscles, thusly, creating a whip made of the lengthened muscle tendons in his left arm. He has fashioned small metal hooks and barbs and attached them to the ends. Sinister to the core, no one has seen his face in years and it is believed if you were to remove his helmet, there would be nothing but the scent of despair and years of hatred.

My process for creating this creature was fairly simple.
If you refer to the image above, you can see that I start with a normal layer and two colors. One for the basic silouhette and one for the outlines and details.
Then I move on and create two more layers on top of that, one in multiply, one in screen. I then use a soft brush, with pressure sensitive opacity to create realistically blended strokes.
After the shades and hilights are all layed out, the rest of the process is simple. I create an overlay layer and proceed to block in the straight colors that I feel look best.
The second detail layer is also created in this way.
For my first legit concept image I'm pretty proud. Hope you guys like it and I can't wait to see the other submissions!

random conceopts 1

This is my concept art for the ghost lady.

Random concepts 2

What I came up with for the street urchin. Top thumbnails was me trying to decide what the height for the kid would be, as well as the hairstyle, headwear (if any), and clothes. In the end I went for a more modern design for the clothes (nothing too 1930s) and gave him a small shoulder bag which he wears under the jacket. Basically, since he's a pickpocket, I wanted to give him various places to hide his loot (though I forgot to sketch the inside of the jacket, which is supposed to have a couple more pockets).  Didn't want a complicated design, though - I wanted him to look like your average street person, so as for people to not recognize him as easily if they find their purses to be slightly lighter than it was a few seconds earlier.

I also drew a closeup of his face, since the hat is covering most of it on the full-body one. Wanted to give him a smug look, like he's saying "I'm smarter than I look, so don't underestimate me". It also gave me the chance to add some extra details on him like dirt and stuff.

-- Nieves

Random concepts 1 part 2

Did the ghost as well. Quick 15-min sketch.

Did some thumbnails at the top with different costumes I came up with for her, but ultimately decided on the last one due to it looking more like I'd imagine a ghost to look like (plus I liked the chains). Was originally going to give her shorter hair, but decided against it.

Sketch on the bottom-right is how her flesh and ghost halves are separated (bottom part's ghost). Also drew how I thought the eyes should look like, but the scan was of poor quality due to me not being used to the library's scanner so the ghost eye doesn't look as good as the original sketch (was supposed to be slightly transparent so as to show the hollow area behind it). I'll probably scan it better once I get home.

-- Nieves

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Random concepts 1

We're supposed to post some pics here, right? Well, here's mine.

Done on Colors for the DS. Nothing special here, really - started with a huge black blob, then added the whites. Wish I knew how to do it in color, but that's always been my weakness.

-- Nieves