Friday, October 22, 2010

Chrono Port

This "vehicle" isn't quite a vehicle.  It's more of a structure however it does transport units through space and time, anywhere, instantly... Sort of.

My friend and I came up with an idea for something like this which stemmed from a discussion about Starcraft.  We were complaining about the Terran barracks which would "train" marines right then and there while the war is in their back yard.  This seems silly so we came up with some sort of device which "teleported" units onto the battlefield but one of the side-effects for no real reason (currently) is that the other end of the Chrono Port is actually in the future.

With an RTS mindset, this could work.  It's similar to the Protoss converted Gateway which can teleport any unit within a Pylon's radius, except it would take time.  I justify it with the beginning scene in Back to the Future where Doc sends the Delorean one minute into the future, wherein the car vanishes only to magically reappear after waiting for one minute.

Basically the other end of the device would be deployed from space or otherwise then the units would pile into the Chrono Port.  It's still a concept in progress as to how the devices would actually work with the whole space-time divide combined with the real-time deployment of the receiving end.

I used Maya to get the basic shape down.  It's a metallic structure so there's not a lot of color to add.  Now that I think of it, I probably could have added some tracks or marks or something. haha

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